S5 32GB 1TB, Ryzan 7 5800H powering off when no activity

  • I have just purchased a S5 32GB 1TB, Ryzan 7 5800H from Amazon.  It is constantly powering off when no activity, although I have set the Windows Power Setting to "never shut down".  I have searched the Forum, found several similar questions, but no certain fix.  Can anyone assist with this please.  If not, I will have to return the unit soon.

  • Have you tried removing hibernation?
    In Command Prompt, as administrator, copy and past

    powercfg.exe /hibernate off 

    then press Enter and restart the PC.

  • It seems like that did the trick!  So far, it has been 4 hours since I tried your suggestion and device is still powered up.  Thanks very much Nicolas, I really appreciate your suggestion!

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