G4 Unable to set PC to auto boot following power outage.

  • My apologies for first asking in the S5 section. I am away from home a lot and need to be able to access my PC remotely. Therefore should there be an interruption in its power supply , I need it to boot  back into windows automatically. I cant find anything in the setup/bios listings to facillitate this. Can someone post a solution please ?

    I see one was posted in S5 section , but I  don't have those headings on the G4.

  • Update on the above:  I contacted TRigkey via email and they responded instantly with instructions on how to set the G4 to boot automatically.

    press DEL whilst PC is starting. Set up Bios menu appears. highlight chipset on top row , clk on PCM-10 config , clk on state after G3 , change from S5 State to S0 State. save and exit.

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